I am Pro Healthcare choice just the same as I am Pro having a choice in almost every aspect of Life as a Human in a truly Free & Democratic Society. That means that I choose what to put on and in my body starting with the foods I eat & including my choices in medicines. I am totally cool with your choices even if they aren’t the same as mine – this includes vaccination. This Blog is not focusing on vaccination but I am using it as an example of why the other choices you make about what goes into your body are more important than ever.
What I would like to encourage is that as many people as possible understand the implications of the choices they make as fully as possible, and that includes any possible effects on the body, or mind or both. That means having as much information available to help you make that choice in the full knowledge of any possible risks. If that information is kept from you or not available to you – is it really a choice and what does it say about your freedom to make the “right choice”?