Golden Rule 3 Change your perception instead of the circumstances!

I spent a long time trying to get other people to change or waiting for my perceived ‘Ideal living or work circumstances’ so that everything would be ‘perfect’ and I would be happy and content. All it bought me was a constant state of discontent and fruitless searching for the thing or person or situation that was going to make everything alright.  In constantly searching for what was missing rather than focusing on what was positive or beautiful in my life already, I was chasing my tail, unable to appreciate the many, many wonderful things in my life on a daily basis. Once I recognised how exhausting this was, I relaxed and started to notice & experience the happiness I was constantly striving for previously.


Golden Rule 2 – Practice non-judgement!

Respect and non-judgement is something I think most of us like to feel that we have, particularly for those we love. However without practicing Golden Rule 1 – Understanding that we all have a different view of the world – it is impossible to truelly practice non-judgement. Be honest, how many arguments/battles of wills/broken relationships have you experienced over the years that,when it comes to it, are about someone not sharing your views or opinions or way of living?


5 Golden Rules to create your golden life – Rule 1.

Is your glass half-empty or half full?I like to live my life assuming the best of people and of situations rather than assuming the worst, I prefer the sunny side of the street to the dark side and try to look for the positive aspect of as many situations as possible. I wasn’t always able to do this but since I have adopted a much more conscious & mindful way of living – which took practice to begin with – my life has improved enormously . I’m happier for more of the time, I feel richer & more abundant, I have more tolerance & patience and am far less likely to waste my energy being sucked into destructive patterns of behavior – either my own or others. This means I make far more constructive and productive decisions and am able to stay focused on what is important and meaningful for me and those I love – I’m much more in control of how I feel and react to any given situation in my life.

Much of this is because of 5 foundation stones or ‘rules’ that I live by since using QTT Methods, and most of the other practices and techniques that I have to sustain me are built on these 5 rules. Actually, if you were to adopt these 5 rules and did nothing else until they became instinctive and automatic to you, I guarantee that your life would change for the better. Since these 5 rules are the basis on which to build all other practices, I’m going to take time to explore them with you, and I urge you to take time out to really think about them and practice applying them to pretty much any situation.


My 3 steps to effective and safe treatment of Headlice.

I have been asked by several parents recently for help with clearing and preventing vermin infestations, in particular Head Lice. It seems to be a problem that some children are prone to and many associate it with going back to school. Since kids are in close contact with other kids – it can spread like wildfire. Over the counter treatments are very toxic and using them can be a bit like playing Russian Roulette if you are not informed about the possible side effects and how vulnerable your child may be to them.

The main ingredients in these medications are synthetic pesticides like Permethrin or Malathion which is flammable! Side effects include burning, itching, stinging, redness, swelling and more worryingly numbness of the scalp. But they are also associated with breathing problems, dizziness, serious allergic reactions and in some cases seizures and even death! Given that our scalps are literally centimetres from our brains, is it really a good idea to be applying anything with these kind of toxic possibilities, especially on young developing children?


My top 6 Teenage issues and how parents can help.

Being a teenager has never been easy, and these days our teens are presented with more challenges than ever before. Most of these challenges are relevant to both girls and boys but both sexes have their own set of gender specific issues as well. It is a time of huge internal and external change and transition as our children start to emerge from and separate from us, their parents or care givers.

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