Resources to support your Thyroid Health

Thyroid issues are becoming more & more common and affect far more women than men, last count was 1 in every 8 women! The renowned Doctor, Author & International speaker Gabor Mate refers to women as ‘Society’s Shock Absorbers’, in his book ‘The Myth of Normal’ , and as therefore suffering more chronic dis-eases than men. NB Not that Men are Healthier but that they do dis-ease differently.

Why is this so? Maybe because women are wired to extend energy outwards to multiple places, to include the whole ‘family’ & their needs & do what’s best for the group. They feel emotions & sense the subtle shifts within a community more readily. Women are also subjected to more situations where they are either required to act the same as men or they are highly sexualised inappropriately, without recourse to complain or express anger or a sense of assault. Women often ‘Self-silence’, meaning that they just keep quiet about their experiences & feelings to maintain safe relationships either personal or work related. It is not deemed ‘feminine’ to express anger or outrage or power. This is the perfect recipe for the body and mind to start attacking itself as inflammation builds up….

Thyroid disease is actually an auto-immune disorder and women suffer more than men with this type of chronic dis-ease. Women are suppressing themselves due to societal or cultural dictates & values around what women’s roles are in the world – they are far more likely to experience prolonged threatening situations, the need to adapt or suppress how they express themselves. They are also subject to an array of synthetic hormones in the form of contraception or mood stabilisers/ anti-depressants often from an early age. Their natural inclinations and hormonal cycles are treated as pathology and any real connection with the ebb & flow of menstrual bleeding is discouraged and mostly not even acknowledged. Women were in the past much more connected to the Natural world, the cycles of the Moon & seasons, mostly this connection has been severed.

In addition many women have been persuaded to lead their lives in a very masculine energy especially in the work force and to adopt a pre-dominantly masculine way of doing things. We have also been taught that we can ‘have it all’ a busy demanding career AND a family and that if we don’t choose to do both there’s something wrong with us….I know this first hand, I sub-consciously rejected my more feminine self for years and my masculine side got burnt out. We all need a balance of both energies & the ability to know when to tap into which type of energy to get the best results for us. One does not trump the other!

Women can be diagnosed with Hypo-thyroidism (under active), Hyper-thyroidism (over active), Thyroid cancer (rare), Hashimoto’s, Myxedema or Graves disease. My experience personally is with Hypo-thyroidism, although in my Practise I have supported all types of imbalance. Many of us find limited improvements from the synthetic thyroid hormones or drugs prescribed by GPs & Consultants but are seldom offered any alternatives or advice about other resources that affect Thyroid Health. This Blog is to offer just some of what I have found to be effective – it is by no means an exhaustive list so I welcome any experience of other Natural resources or practices you may have found helpful, please add them in the comments in order to help others.

Homeopathic remedies (nb you do not have to have all the listed details):-

Sepia – A predominantly Hypo-thyroid or Myxedema state – sluggish, exhausted, heavy, slow, irritable, tearful, menstrual changes, cold, prolapses, no sex drive, swelling in the thyroid area. Better warmth, exercise, open air. Worse domestic work, sex, being asked how she is.

Calc-carb – Also mostly under-active thyroid states – cold, slow, memory difficulties, weight gain, Menstrual disorders, bad dreams, night sweat, clammy, shortness of breath, goiter or thickness of neck or swollen glands, anxiety. Better fresh air, dry climate, massage/touch. Worse cold, change of weather, full moon, times of hormonal change.

Carcinosin – Can be either over or under active states – exhaustion or yoyoing between energetic almost hyperactive states & then exhaustion. Sleep issues, hot flashes, difficulty saying ‘no’ or maintaining healthy boundaries, tendency to allergies or inflammation, cannot express anger or passion easily, Fear of losing control, Menstrual changes, Cysts, tumours, joint pains or sinusitis. Anxiety, feelings of guilt, difficulty concentrating. Better for open air, seaside, full moon, storms Worse for Menopause, seaside, full moon, warm room, storms.

Spongia – Over or under active states – Anxiety, feeling of suffocation, palpitations, increased hunger, rushes of blood to the head, loss of menstrual bleed, exhaustion & heaviness of body, Hard swelling of glands inc thyroid, Faintness, Goiter Better for warm food or drink, resting horizontally. Worse for lying down (palpitations), being woken from sleep, cold, dry wind, exertion, raising the arms, night

Nat-Mur – Under or over active states – unexpressed deep grief/loss/disappointments – sadness, a protective wall around the heart keeps them from the healthy expression of any deep emotions which they believe will make them vulnerable/unsafe. No healthy flow of anything so hard to cry, scanty menstrual bleeds or irregular, constipation, dryness of skin, vagina, herpes, cracked lips, aversion to sex or touch, headaches, palpitations, dripping nose & watery eyes, loss of weight or weight yoyoing, stiffness of joints & back, easily embarrassed. Better for open air, cool bathing, sweating, rest, going without regular meals, tight clothing, deep breathing. Worse for heat of sun, dampness, exertion of the eyes, reading, strong emotions, sex, noise, pressure, sympathy.

Thyroidinum – A specific for Myxedema in particular, muscular weakness, emaciation, sweating, increased heart rate, cravings for sugar, weakness – physical & memory, Breast cysts, cold hands & feet, low blood pressure, Goiter, hair loss, fluid retention, obesity, fatigue, weepy, paranoid, difficulty concentrating. Prominant eyeballs (exophthalmic goitre), irritable, depressed, fibroids, endometriosis, no menstrual bleed or heavy bleeding, tendency to miscarriage or infertility. Better for after or during periods, evening, rest, lying on abdomen. Worse for any exertion, stooping, cold. Heart worse lying down.

Lachesis – Can help over or under active thyroids. Huge Menopause remedy – hot flashes, poor sleep, irritability & easily angered, manic depression,High blood pressure, cannot bear tight clothing, dark bleeding, nervous & sensitive, left sided symptoms, swollen belly, palpitations, pressure headaches, restless, uneasy, ovarian tumours, sore throats. Better for any discharges, warmth, open air, hard pressure, cold drinks, eating. Worse for waking after sleep, left side, tight clothing, alcohol, menopause, loss of fluids.

Kali-Iod – A balancer so either over or under active thyroids – area can be sore or sensitive to touch, may be enlarged, thyroid cancers, glandular swellings, sad, anxious & nervous, Tinnitus, palpitations, bone & joint pains, Fibroids, heavy, late periods, Acne, swellings, cold, Goitre. Better for moving, cold open air. Worse for heat, pressure/touch, changing weather, night, damp, milk & cold foods.

Iod – Under or over active thyroids but mostly over active, thyroid cancers – this is Homeopathic Iodine – excited, restless, protruding eyeballs, huge hunger, Goiter, weak, losing weight despite eating alot, Swollen, hard glands, irregular periods, palpitations, bone pains, stiff joints, hoarse throat. Better for cold air, bathing, eating, sitting up. Worse for warmth, overheated rooms, talking, fasting, night, pressure.

Adrenylin – Hyper active thyroids – a balancer for the Adrenals- thyroid may be secondary to Adrenal imbalance. Flushes of heat, Congestion headaches, nervous, Apathy, lack of concentration, can’t be bothered, Graves dis-ease, bronzed skin, big appetite, profuse urination, loss of strength, rapid pulse, tired & aching legs.

Fucus – (Sea Kelp) mostly over active but can be used as a balancer for either – obesity, Goiter, constipation, enlarged thyroid, difficulty breathing, protruding eyes, salty taste in mouth, nausea, yellow looking face.

By all means try any of the above if you feel they are a good match, however Thyroid disorders are not straightforward & best addressed by a Profession Health Practitioner who can understand & cover the whole picture. Many times I have had success with thyroid imbalance using remedies that have no direct action on the Thyroid but are addressing the root cause of the imbalance.

Alternative Meds to Synthetic Thyroid Hormones (Hypo-thyroidism) – Natural Dessicated Thyroid eg Armour, Naturethroid, NP Thyroid (currently unavailable), ERFA Thyroid, Westhroid. Many users of NDT describe better results than on synthetic Thyroid hormones, this was my own experience too, and yet few Doctors even know about it let alone prescribe it. Currently in Ireland & the UK your GP can prescribe it so do your research & be persistent – insist on a prescription or go private. Be aware that the standard thyroid function blood tests do not work with NDT since the wrong things are being measured and GPS don’t know how to read results properly. I prefer to go on how I’m feeling – I’ve been doing it long enough and know when things are not in balance. When switching over start with the lowest dose of NDT (in grains) and work up slowly to find your ‘sweet spot’. When you exceed your optimum dose of NDT you may start to experience symptoms of being over active eg racing heart, disturbed sleep or itching skin. Just cut back down to the previous dose and everything quickly re-balances. Here’s a link to an article that explains more

Articles on Thyroid/NDT:-



  • Iodine preferably Lugols Solution – test by rubbing on the skin first & seeing how long it takes to be absorbed – it will discolour a yellow stain & if it disappears in minutes then you need it, if it stays for longer you probably don’t. I take 1 drop in water daily at the moment however my body will tell me when it doesn’t need any more. eg – difficulty sleeping, racing heart, a bit jittery & adrenal, similar to too much coffee. But again stop the dose & everything returns to normal quickly.
  • Use seaweed in your diet – either within stews, soups etc or sprinkled like salt on your food. Most seaweeds contain Iodine but kelp, Laminaria, Nori or Dillisk are readily available sources. nb if foraging for your own never eat seaweed washed up on the beach, it must be harvested direct from the actual rooted plant in a sustainable way. A lovely recipe book is by Prannie Ratigan ‘Irish Seaweed Kitchen‘ and here’s a link to some of her recipes
  • Avoid processed foods or raw brassica veg and if you are under-active often cold raw foods don’t suit an already sluggish, cold internal state. Fresh fish, nuts, organic meats, fresh organic vet & fruit are best, Avoid adrenal stimulants like sugar, coffee, alcohol and black tea.

Healy Frequency device – this incredible little device has at least 2 specific Thyroid support programmes & I have personally benefitted from ‘Thyroid Harmony’ which I have been running daily since I reduced my dose of NDT by half and am now only on a negligible amount before I stop all together. There are also programmes specific to other parts of our hormonal system as well as an array of Digital Nutrition combination programmes that nourish the endocrine system generally. It’s already saved me a fortune in supplements and helps me to choose more wisely which foods to eat at any given time to really nourish & support me. Often our needs change especially as women honouring our natural cycles. Healy will also pick up on whether there are emotional components that may be at the root of any imbalance & can offer Homeopathic remedies, Bach Flower essences or Bush Flowers as well as individualised programmes for anxiety or stress.

Pharmaceutical Meds – many are known to adversely affect thyroid function including Statins, anti-depressants, Steroids, and many cancer meds that suppress our natural immunity – ironic given that our Thyroid is like Chief of the Immune system! Always ask for the full information leaflet listing known side effects or research online.

Often when taking meds for Hyper-thyroidism a ‘side effect’ can be that the person is tipped into an under active Thyroid state. Also post surgery to remove an over active Thyroid either partially or wholly – again the person becomes under-active instead. The Thyroid gland is part of a complex chain of endocrine parts including the Pituitary gland & Adrenals – often the imbalance is not in the Thyroid at all but lies within another part of the endocrine system, but women are prescribed synthetic Thyroid hormones regardless….

QTT® Thyroid disorders can be accompanied & caused by very deeply entrenched limiting beliefs or feelings that become habitual & automatic. There can be huge changes from exploring this in any physical dis-ease and in my own case, it was QTT that enabled me to release a limiting belief around my diagnosis of Hypo-thyroidism as well as a bunch of feelings around hard work, expressing deep feelings & letting go of grief. There are very often all kinds of limiting beliefs that we carry around physical dis-ease and they can keep us stuck: –

  • a sliding scale of body dysmorphia -sadly society for young women seems to be perpetuating this from increasingly young ages – I am too fat/thin/hairy/my boobs are too big/small/wierd etc etc
  • sub-conscious investments in the hidden benefits of being an ill person – one recent client discovered that remaining ‘ill’ got her the much needed attention that she craved & that she learnt this from watching her chronically ill Mother – all sub-conscious behaviour of course. As an adult it was keeping her stuck & unhappy – a QTT session transformed that belief & she is leading a much more empowered Life.
  • Overwhelm & Burnout – Beliefs around a need for relentless hard work equating with self-worth or even being loved contribute to many auto-immune dis-orders as all energy is directed outwards to others needs rather than our own. We cannot care for others in a sustainable, healthy way when we do not care for ourselves. This means exploring our inner core beliefs, values & self-talk. QTT holds the space, time & methods for us to transform anything that isn’t serving us & enables us to support others without sabotaging ourselves.
  • The Nocebo effect – now recognised as a powerful energetic force driven by a conviction that someone else’s opinion is irrefutable eg a Doctor told me I was going to experience this state for the rest of my life. Doctors are the experts & know everything about Health & Disease, they are always right……There are well documented examples of diagnosis & prognosis given in error to the wrong person & yet that person will go away & do exactly what they have been told. Less talked about is the notion that when we invest power in someone else & we believe utterly what that person says, it becomes our reality.

Qi-gong/Tai-Qi – I have found my daily practice to be transformative in allowing me to slow down, be mindful of what’s going on for me internally, where energy is flowing & where it may be stuck. Moving any stuck energy and encouraging deep connections with my internal state and my place within the Natural rhythms of the Earth & the Cosmos. Here’s a link to a useful guided class by Dr Janice Tucker with some very useful information contained within the video & within the post attached. As Janice points out intense cardio-vascular exercise is not necessarily a positive thing for Thyroid disorders especially if you are over-active.

Finally to read a bit more about my own journey with Hypo-thyroidism, click here.


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