Modern Day Healers.

Not so very long ago, I would probably have been burnt at the stake, (and there are those who would still like to do that to Healers like me ……… or maybe it’s just me??!!haha). These days we are just given a verbal ‘roasting’ from time to time by Skeptics, Fear Mongers and Bigots who base their criticism largely in ignorance, Blind Faith (in Pharmaceutical Medicine) and pure Malice.   But are we – Modern day Healers – in fact, treated any differently from the Wise Women (and Men), Shamens, Herbalists and Healers of days of yore who stood in the way of larger enterprises touting ‘Modern’, ‘Scientifically proven’ methods of Healthcare, often from highly toxic materials but with expensive and well marketed campaigns behind them?   Why has the very term ‘Healer’  become synonymous with ‘Charleton’ or ‘Quackery’ instead of its true literal meaning – why is it that ‘Healing’ or being ‘Cured’ is seldom used in association with Pharmaceutical Medicine? Have we just accepted that if we are ill we do not ever get cured or healed, simply managed for the rest of our days with drugs??


What are Allergies?

Every spring/early summer – & all year round – I treat lots of people with Hayfever and other allergies that they attribute to pollens, grass seeds and other outside irritants. Symptoms can vary hugely not only in their detail but in their intensity and frequency, from being mildly irritating to completely debilitating. In the majority of cases Homeopathic remedies can provide significant relief to existing symptoms, but the most effective treatment of Hayfever and other Allergies is to to look deeper than the top layer and establish why people are sensitive in the first place.Treating on 2 levels is essential – eg using Homeopathic Remedies during the season/times when symptoms are present, but also andjust as importantly undergoing deeper acting Homeopathic treatment in the seasons/times when symptoms are not present. This means that the underlying vunerability of each person can be addressed, treated and strengthened whilst the system is able to focus and use healing energy efficiently, so that any symptoms then get less and less invasive and debilitating season by season. In my experience this usually takes an average of 2 or 5 years before each person no longer suffers from Hayfever, with noticeable improvements with each passing season. It has the added advantage of enabling improvements to general health since addressing gut issues and immune responses is ofcourse not confined to a single area of a persons health.  This positive track record is echoed amongst Homeopathic Practitioners world wide and, along with Pregnancy, Hayfever is probably the most common reason for people to seek out help from a Homeopath. The Pharmaceutical approach is mostly varying degrees of Anti-histamine use, ie turning off the immune response that is being triggered by the irritant, which can make for drowsiness, and over time can damage our kidneys. There are specialist clinics investigating testing for the exact irritants with a view to you then eliminating them from your lives – not always practical. There are also various protocols of de-sensitising people with the use of injections of small amounts of the allergen, with mixed results. Interestingly a large study several years ago found that rather than injecting these allergens, putting them in water under the tongue seemed to work just as well!


Making Pain relief an informed choice.

Although I help people on a daily basis to manage and conquer various forms of pain, it’s not something I’ve personally experienced on a prolonged basis  – that is until recently. When I refer to pain, I’m not talking about emotional pain – although emotions definitely come into it – I’m talking about prolonged, constant, unrelenting physical pain.


The lost art of Convalescence

This Winter has been tough and in the last few weeks I’ve seen a high amount of people who have sought my help in recovering from particularly bad colds, Flu and very persistant and debilitating coughs. When I say recovering, I’m not talking necessarily about the actual symptoms of the illness itself but more the weakness, lethargy, loss of a full appetite or perhaps inability to regain a proper sleep pattern or simply the feeling of ‘not being quite right’, after the illness has gone. Thankfully this recovery is relatively straight forward using Homeopathic remedies and even quicker if other essential components to good health are introduced.


A Closer look at Dental Health.

A year ago I gave myself permission to look at and address an ongoing issue with my teeth and dental health generally. I had reached a stage in my own health journey where, although i had made great improvements and eradicated the majority of symptoms of a chronic disease (Hypothyroidism), my health had plateaued. Nothing I was doing was shifting the last remaining issues I had, and I was experiencing mild palpitations which I was pretty sure were due to adrenal fatigue but they weren’t responding to any treatments. My sister had recently undergone a course of treatment to remove her Amalgam fillings due to her system being toxic from heavy metals and had experienced almost immediate relief of many of her symptoms, so I researched this area and found the wonderful Ishsko Wellness Centre in County Mayo, here in Ireland. 

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