Golden Rule 5 – Everything we need to create change is already within us!

Most of the time –  particularly when we are overwhelmed with ‘stuff’ that Life has thrown at us – we forget how far we’ve come, how many obstacles we have negotiated and survived! We almost never stop, look back and appreciate how many achievements we’ve accumulated, how we have managed to overcome numerous challenges and obstacles to even be here and tell our story!

Working as a Health Practitioner for the last 20 years has shown me how remarkable we all are, how resiliant and capable in our own individual ways we can be, in the face of the most testing of circumstances. Much of the time I want to congratulate my Clients on even making it through the week and it’s always a pleasure to help them to identify and recognise the inate skills they have that enable their survival in a tough world.

The ripple effect of someone being able to view something with a fresh perspective, to re-frame it & start valuing the positives that behaviors have given them is invaluable. I remember one of my early QTT sessions when I, for the first time, understood why I had been stuck in a particular pattern of behavior that wasn’t working well for me. I had been hating myself for a long time for this behavior but just couldn’t stop it. Once I recognised it and what it was trying to do for me, I was able to thank myself for setting up the pattern and trying to help myself feel better. I could then let go of the need to continue doing it. Just doing this released me from being caught in a never ending circle of being triggered, doing this behavior and then hating myself for it. It wasn’t until it had gone, that I could appreciate just how much of my energy and time was taken up with it and how many small daily events were just not triggering me any more!  I was able to feel free at last and able to focus on more enjoyable and rewarding aspects of my life. All that took was 2 hours of my time skillfully focused and guided by my QTT Practitioner, and I changed what I had chosen years ago. No drugs involved, no remedies or medicines of any kind, just accessing my own hidden awareness and consciousness!

We all have this within us and can access it and use it any time we choose, it just takes a little regular practice so that we can start noticing ourselves, other people and the world a bit differently, more kindly.  Then we can stop blaming the actions of others or the world in general for the way we feel, we always have a choice of what to feel or how to react, remembering that can be so liberating. If someone screams and shouts at us, we can choose to react by doing the same thing back, say all sorts of hurtful stuff and end or damage a relationship. We can then spend lots of time justifying why we were simply responding to provocation, anyone would do the same etc etc, but it seldom brings us what we really want. How would it be if instead, we could  feel so strong and protected that we are able to see how the person shouting is in pain and just trying to make themselves feel better?  We can then choose not to engage with the behavior, and instead to walk away or calmly stop the shouting? Not only have we dampened the flames rather than fanned them, but we have not allowed someone else to govern our own behavior. We remain in control and conscious as much as possible and the more we are able to do this, the fewer situations or behaviors will affect us at a core level.

If we all start by living our lives as much as we can by adopting these 5 Golden Rules – in time we will become aware of so much more that we have within us to enable us to lead the lives we want and cope with almost any situation without lasting damage or pain. Within us we have a whole comprehensive toolbox of healing, all we need is to start using these tools and we can build a whole new world for ourselves – how amazing is that!?

Nb. The ‘5 Golden Rules’ are a collection of concepts put together by Moira Geary ‘The Recombobulator’, My Mentor and Creator of QTT Personal development Methods. Here are links to the rest of this Blog series:-

Golden Rules series:-

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