5 reasons to have your own remedy kit.

I was recently asked to give a talk to a group of Female Business Owners to help them look after their health and the health of their family’s. I chose to focus on the importance of regular health maintenance or investment in selfcare – prevention always being cheaper and easier than cure! Most of the women in the audience told me that despite the fact that they were running businesses, they were still the principle carers whenever their kids were ill and those with very young kids were constantly taking time off to manage minor illnesses.  I told them about  the excellent Homeopathic remedy kits produced by the Homeopathic Pharmacies, and the use of it for acute illnesses – coughs, colds, headaches, stomach upsets, fever management, toothaches etc. Not only are these remedies very effective, but it’s a brilliant way to learn about Homeopathy and about what works for you and your family. I was very surprised to learn that many of them had not heard of these remedy kits and didn’t know that they could self-prescribe. These were mostly people who had consulted a Homeopath in the past and had success with Homeopathy, but not thought of using it themselves.  They were under the impression that you could only take Homeopathic remedies if prescribed by a Practitioner! This couldn’t be further from the truth, in fact using one of these kits for myself and my children and witnessing how effective they are is how I became interested in training as a Practitioner in the first place!


What do different Therapies offer?

It is becoming more and more apparent and obvious to anyone working in Public Health that the current model chosen to provide healthcare for the mass population is (a) in crisis and (b) doomed to failure if it continues unchanged.  It is popular to think that this is all about funding – or the lack of it – it is not!  The numbers of people with multiple chronic health issues are growing at an alarming rate and already if you do the maths and look at projections there is simply no way that the majority of international public health systems will be able to keep up.  I am not going to even go into why on earth this is the case despite all the ‘incredible life-saving pharmaceuticals’ available, that’s food for another Blog!  Suffice to say that if we are to have any chance of grabbing hold of our healthcare and actually getting results without becoming paupers in the process a BIG sea-change in both our approach to Healthcare and what we use as ‘medicine’ has to happen.


Why ‘Face to Face’ is important!

Some time ago I attended a fascinating online seminar about the ancient art of Face reading – ‘Al Ferasa’. This amazing ancient skill originated in the Middle East with The Bedouin people as a vital part of their ability to identify whether the many different tribes they came across, as they travelled across a huge area, were friends or foe.

‘Al Ferasa’ means to look deeply at something and understand what lies behind it – a way of looking and seeing that deeply resonates with the way I practice Homeopathy & QTT Personal Development work.

The Bedouin understood that the most important parts of life are the interactions or connections we experience with others & this is not always through the spoken word.  Having the ability to instantly navigate and shortcut our understanding of another’s personal and communal story and therefore being able to tailor our own behaviour’s and communication methods accordingly, can drastically affect how successfully we experience those interactions with others. Indeed our inate ability to instantly ‘read’ and feel others overriding or underpinning emotions or intentions, are hard-wired into us and inform us at a ‘gut’ level –  do we want to continue a relationship or run away from it?! First impressions are intuitive but like all intuition, they are based on the energetic exchanges we experience at a conscious and sub-conscious level.


Cherishing our ‘comfort zones’

I don’t know about you but I seem to get alot of posts in my various social media feeds from Life Coaches and Inspirational Teachers and other online contacts, all supporting and advocating the idea of constantly striving to stretch ourselves and ‘go beyond our comfort zones’. On first reading, this can make lots of sense and indeed can be very relevant in certain situations and for certain people at certain times in their lives. But as a general principle, I really question this idea of never resting, never being still, always striving for ‘something better – more happiness, more success, more money, more challenges etc’.

We live in a society with record numbers of people with various Adrenal problems, Stress has become an everyday occurance and we are surrounded by messages that all tell us ‘don’t stop, even when you are ill – just pop a pill and get right back to work’. Alot of people are now recognising that the ‘pop a pill’ thing isn’t healthy or sustainable, but aren’t all the self-help videos and messages telling us ‘don’t give in to feeling bad/ill/sad…just put on that smile and get dressed up and carry on’, just as potentially damaging? They are both encouraging us to ignore what we feel, put it away somewhere and keep on striving for that elusive ‘something’.


Managing Stress in the workplace.

I consider myself to be very blessed in the work that I do as a Health Practitioner – I work for myself and I, (mostly), work from my own Clinic within my house. I choose my working hours, who I work with, my working conditions, my breaks and my pay! I am passionate about my […]

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