Some time ago I attended a fascinating online seminar about the ancient art of Face reading – ‘Al Ferasa’. This amazing ancient skill originated in the Middle East with The Bedouin people as a vital part of their ability to identify whether the many different tribes they came across, as they travelled across a huge area, were friends or foe.
‘Al Ferasa’ means to look deeply at something and understand what lies behind it – a way of looking and seeing that deeply resonates with the way I practice Homeopathy & QTT Personal Development work.
The Bedouin understood that the most important parts of life are the interactions or connections we experience with others & this is not always through the spoken word. Having the ability to instantly navigate and shortcut our understanding of another’s personal and communal story and therefore being able to tailor our own behaviour’s and communication methods accordingly, can drastically affect how successfully we experience those interactions with others. Indeed our inate ability to instantly ‘read’ and feel others overriding or underpinning emotions or intentions, are hard-wired into us and inform us at a ‘gut’ level – do we want to continue a relationship or run away from it?! First impressions are intuitive but like all intuition, they are based on the energetic exchanges we experience at a conscious and sub-conscious level.