‘With Homeopathy you have to get worse before you get better’?
A great deal of our lives are governed & driven by the Beliefs that we hold. Some of our beliefs we take on from others & some we form ourselves through our experiences and how those experiences have affected us. They are actually an attempt to make sense of something we maybe don’t fully understand or are unable to fully process at the time they are taken on or set up. They are ‘Stories’ we tell our selves and over time they can become so embedded that they become convictions – a total, seemingly immoveable ‘fact’ that it seems impossible to let go of or alter in any way. We all have many different beliefs – some more helpful than others, and many that need an ‘upgrade’!! Often beliefs become out of date or incongruent with what we want out of Life or how we want to feel. The great news is we can change them with a little conscious input, if we want to. Why would we want to? The simple answer is if we find that they are a) stopping us from doing something we really want to do b) meaning that we start things but can’t sustain them or c) they are contributing to a sense of internal conflict – one part of me wants to do something & the other doesn’t.
I am passionate about Homeopathy & all the incredible benefits I’ve experienced personally & witnessed in my Clients over the years. Physical, emotional & spiritual health benefits that never cease to amaze me in Clients who have tried many other Health modalities. It’s for this reason that I so want it to be available to as many people as possible. Hence this series where I am addressing some of the many limiting Beliefs about Homeopathy. Beliefs that can contribute to putting some people off trying it or fully embracing it as a healthcare option. Some of these beliefs are easily addressed and some take more time to fully explain so I have decided to write a series to address them in ‘bite-size’ chunks!