Go at your own Pace – January can bring unnecessary pressure to take action, make resolutions & get back into the saddle as soon as Jan 1st comes along & if we don’t have something new to offer, abstain from or a Plan to commence then we can feel lacking in some way. I would […]
Coughs, Colds & Flu – My top Remedies.
How we experience any illness is highly individual, as are the reasons we are doing it. That’s one of the many reasons I love Homeopathy, because this system of Medicine understands that we are all different & therefore we all need a personal, bespoke approach to support us to Health & Wellbeing. We all may […]
Why do we do Coughs, Colds & Flu?
Autumn & Winter is the season for most coughs, colds, Flu & respiratory illnesses. I regularly get asked to suggest Homeopathic remedies to support my Clients & Home Prescribers through these, so I thought it would be helpful to put most of it in a Blog post for future use. Firstly let’s consider why this […]
Multiple personalities can mean multiple skills!
No, I’m not talking about so called disorders that seem to come to mind when we use phrases like ‘Multiple Personalities’ – although it is interesting to perhaps think about these differently once you have read this piece?! I want to share a concept that I personally found transformative when I first discovered it during […]
What’s the difference between Natural Medicine & Holistic Medicine?
There is a big difference between using Natural Medicine in a Pharmaceutical/Allopathic way ie using the same perspective of what constitutes Health or dis-ease & how to treat it, and adopting a systemic, Holistic approach to Healthcare that supports our Natural processes & internal systems & enables them to work to optimum capacity as much as possible.