Recently I bumped into someone who I haven’t seen for several years, and who set me thinking about the less obvious, often forgotten but none the less powerful, long term effects of Homeopathy.
12 Questions for parents considering vaccination.
I have written previously about my belief that parents today need to get back their power and stop the current over dependence on pharmaceutical drugs as the only method of healthcare. Information and making informed decisions is where the real power lies and nowhere is this more vital as when it comes to deciding whether or not to vaccinate our children.
Almost without exception parents want the best for their children and would rather die than put them in harms’ way and it is essential to recognise that it is the constitutional right of each parent to make decisions on behalf of their children. No parent should be condemned, whatever their decision regarding vaccination, PROVIDING they have done their homework and have made an informed decision. This does mean doing some research and not just relying on information given out by the vaccine manufacturers or the majority of health workers trained to dispense these vaccines. If nothing else, you should read the list of known side effects and cautions, produced by the manufacturers, that accompanies all drugs – yes a vaccine is a drug like any other. Whatever your beliefs, there is enough evidence to provoke a debate and both sides of this debate should be of interest. Otherwise you have a ‘fixed belief’ that is closed to any evidence or information that contradicts that belief. That is not Science – it is more akin to a blind faith! True Science is never fixed – it is always open to new discoverys, new evidence & new understanding.
The following questions are what all diligent parents need to ask when confronting the vaccine issue and if you do your research you will be able to reach a decision that you are confident with, one way or the other. As the law states, ‘Ignorance is not a defence’ – parents must know what they are sanctioning to be put into their children’s bodies and what the potential risks are, as well as any benefits. NB you cannot necessarily rely on your Medical Professional to supply you with the answers to these questions, as many simply don’t know or are too busy to do anything other than rely on the leaflets produced by the manufacturers.
I was listening to a piece on the radio this morning regarding the impending changes to Insurance law and the availability of ‘cut price’ premiums to enable the over 35 year old ‘first timers’ to enter the health insurance arena now, thus avoiding a hefty premium which will be added to the base price after […]
Power to Parents.
In my experience, parents today are having a very hard time when it comes to the healthcare of their children and have become over reliant on already over stretched GP’s and A&E departments. One direct result of this over reliance is, that children from a worryingly young age are over medicated but seem to get […]