Water is absolutely vital to our health, we can go several weeks without food but only a matter of days without water. Many, many people are suffering a variety of unnecessary symptoms due to simple dehydration. The only liquid that the body recognises and can use for hydration is water – not juice, not soda’s, […]
The joy of movement
Moving our bodies is vitally important, not only to help burn off excess energy, but to move our Lymph system and this can be difficult when you are spending 8 hours a day at a desk! The Lymph system is often overlooked and is not really understood by many health models, with the exception of […]
Embracing ‘Failures’
‘Failure’ is a loaded word and can trigger a cascade of negative emotions and old hurts. But we can only ‘fail’ when we try something and the only way to avoid possible ‘failure’ is to never try! I started thinking about this subject recently when a Client who had visited me for one consultation, decided not […]
How to take control of your familys health.
When I first thought of the subject of this blog, I was tempted to write it as a continuation of my series ‘Dispelling Myths’, and as we go on you will see why. I was recently asked to give a talk to a group of Business owners regarding wellness, and I chose to focus on […]
‘Eoin’s’ Story – A Testimonial
I have just recieved the following testimonial from the mother of one of the children I have been treating. I want to share it, but more importantly, this Mother wants to share her son’s experience with Homeopathy with as many people as possible. Due to it’s length I am posting it, in its entirety, as my next blog. […]