How to find your North Star.

Menopause is one of the key times in our Lives when everything is invited to change, to re-adjust, re-balance, re-new & perhaps even re-create – we can feel lost, rudderless, in the dark! It’s not referred to as ‘The Change’ for nothing!  It’s a massive internal transition from one stage in our lives to another. We are making space, de-cluttering & ‘house-clearing’ physically, emotionally & spiritually to make room for this new stage. Much of our physical make up is no longer appropriate for us & our body is programmed to focus on what is needed to maintain optimum health. The invitation to do the same with our emotional & spiritual health is also there.

  • How do we want to live, what could be, another 30+ years of our lives?
  • How do we want to feel?
  • What are our priorities now?
  • What possibilities are now open to us?
  • How do we want to be regarded in our lifetime & what footprint will we leave?

Change is inevitable when we are creating something new & it can be messy! Only we can decide how we navigate that change & that choice will determine how we continue through & post Menopause. Change is both the end & the beginning – it’s your choice as to whether you make that an invitation to live your best life or not.

In my experience of working pre-dominently with Women for the last 20+ years, there is a need for an approach to Healthcare that is capable of being conscious of & able to support on many different levels – both generally & at this time of multiple internal changes. Some women experience crippling physical symptoms & some are turned upside down by emotional changes. Most enter the realm of spiritual questioning as well – Who am I, What am I here to do, What do I want? Many old self-limiting beliefs or values come up for question. There’s often alot of grief present – for our lost ability to concieve, suddenly being alone with time on our hands now kids have moved out… one to ‘Mother’……There’s almost always a total re-appraisal of the priorities in our lives & some re-connection with our own Mothers or GrandMothers. A strong desire to re-connect often with the Natural World, to learn new skills & even to re-assess intimate relationships as well as friendships. There’s no amount of HRT or any other drug that can address all the varied & complex issues that can arise at this time of our lives.

What is needed is a truelly holistic & multi-faceted system of Healthcare – relief from any debilitating physical expressions, as well as help or support in navigating this change emotionally & spiritually. We need time to really understand & get perspective on what we are experiencing & to create some kind of map or set of principles that helps keep us able to get through the deep forest & emerge into whatever Light attracts us. We need to identify our own personal  ‘North Star‘ or ‘Polaris’ to motivate us, to guide us & to keep us on the right path. This is why I created my ‘Polaris Package‘ offer.

Why a ‘North Star’?
The North Star, or Polaris, is associated with constancy & navigation – because of it’s unwavering position in the sky, sailors could always rely on it to set their course home. As long as it was in their sights they knew they were on the right path & would not get lost. These qualities mean it has become a symbol for helping to keep us on the right path – whatever that may be for us – something that we can have constantly in our ‘sights’ to steer us in the right direction. Our own personal North Star is a constant reminder of why we do what we do, how we want to feel or live – in our private lives, our relationships or our jobs. it symbolises what is important to us & what therefore we need to prioratise.

What is My ‘Polaris Package’? 
It’s a unique opportunity to explore where you are currently on all levels of Health, understand what helped get you here, so that you can do more of what works for you & less of what doesn’t. It’s a safe, dedicated space to help you identify exactly what kind of life you want, how you want to feel in that Life, what’s important to you, what you need to feel as Healthy, Vibrant & Fabulous as possible. Once you have that ‘North Star’ in your sights – it will support you in every decision & choice you make in your Life as well as being your own personal navigation system. The package offers 3 one to one sessions of approximately 2 hours each, spaced out between 2-4 weeks depending on your needs.

What can I expect in my sessions? 
I have combined all my Natural Health knowledge & skills to provide you with whatever is most appropriate for each Woman. We will start with me taking a detailed history of your health including any traumas, losses, griefs, injuries, medicines etc & we will talk about what the exact nature of your current dis-comfort or pain is. My questions are designed to help me to understand as much about you as possible, so that we can identify how you got here & how you would like to go forward. We can then put a map together of action steps that are going to help you ensure that you can make the best Health choices possible. It also enables me to prescribe whatever are the most appropriate Homeopathic remedies for you at this time – this could be focused on your physical symptoms, or your emotional or your spiritual and often all three! Homeopathy is the most effective at addressing more levels than any other system of healing that I know of, so it is my foundation, my corner stone for addressing the majority of issues. Sometimes remedies may play the role of Chief Healer & sometimes the role of Deputy or Assistant depending on each individual case.

In addition to creating the right Homeopathic prescription for you, our talking will enable us to start becoming more conscious of any beliefs, values or perceptions that may be driving any unwanted behavior sub-consciously & creating any stuckness or inability to grow & thrive. Homeopathic remedies can help that consciousness, as well as support you in being able to resolve them over time. What I also find transformative is working with QTT® Personal Development Methods – a talking modality that allows us to communicate with your sub-conscious mind & to release, change or up-grade anything that is no longer serving you. These changes happen immediately, within the session & can be supported & enhanced by natural remedies if needed. There are also simple regular practices that I will teach you, to help you have sight of that ‘North Star’, to stay on your chosen path & be able to feel that you are living your best life, what ever that means for you. This may include some of the following Health tools:-

  • Regular Journalling,
  • Vision Board work
  • Mindfullness,
  • The practice of Gratitude,
  • Meditation,
  • Regular movement of some kind eg Yoga, Qi-gong, walking, re-bounding, sports, swimming etc
  • Conscious Breath work
  • Dietary Changes including sometimes how you eat as well as what
  • Using Essential Oils, Flower essences or Crystals
  • Simple Lifestyle Changes

In addition to applying whatever Natural Health choices I can offer that will help enhance your Health, I have a network of skilled Health Practitioners who I can refer you to, if appropriate, for any complimentary treatment eg body work, Massage, Cranio-sacral therapy, Acupuncture etc. Sometimes it can be hard to know who or what method will be most effective or relevent to you, I do not refer to anyone I haven’t had personal experience of.
What will I take home with me from these sessions? 
this very much depends on your committment to the process of your personal growth & wellness & your ability to take responsibility for it. You will, if you choose get the following:-

  1. Your own ‘Polaris’ or ‘North Star’ – A clear vision of the kind of life you would like to lead and how to keep it in sight in order to guide & inform all your decisions & choices so that they get you closer to that Life.
  2. A personal Health Timeline & an understanding of what internal & external factors have contributed to your current Health, so that you can be more conscious of doing more of what has served you & less of what hasn’t.
  3. Homeopathic remedies as appropriate for the duration of the sessions. This may be to alleviate physical symptoms eg Flushing, sleep issues, metabolic changes etc.  It could be to relieve mood/emotional swings, feeling low, anxious, irritable, exhausted, lacking in concentration, libido or motiviation etc. It could be to address more spiritual issues eg what’s my purpose, who am I, what’s my connection with myself, Others or the Earth etc?
  4. A greater consciousness of how to identify patterns of behavior that may be keeping you stuck or feeling ‘down’ on yourself.
  5. A set of simple practices to incorperate into your life to help you navigate situations you find challenging.
  6. You will have a deeper & more intimate understanding of yourself & what you need to be fully & gloriously YOU!

I believe that Women deserve as much support as possible – at any stage of their lives, and especially in being able to navigate Menopause, understand what is happening & the opportunities this natural stage of our Lives can offer.

My Polaris Package can of course, be used at any stage of your Life, since we can reach a Health Crossroads at any age. So if you are someone who has a sense of ‘going around in circles’, repeating the same actions or conversations, that you know something needs to change in your life & you are not sure what or how to do it, you need to find your ‘North Star’! If you would like a chat with me to ask questions or get a ‘feel’ for me, do book your free ‘Clarity Call‘ with me and find out what you need.

You may like to read one recent Polaris Package Participant’s feedback:

Rebecca, after starting your Polaris Package in November……What a journey I’ve been on and how I enjoyed it. I really embraced the change and I feel so free and alive. It wasn’t hard but took me outside my comfort zone which I actually enjoyed.
Homeopathy certainly helped smooth the transition and I am so grateful for it and your knowledge and wisdom. I’ve noticed a huge change physically: weight loss of 6kg. decreasing blood sugar levels, reduced medication, increased energy and better sleep.
Emotionally I feel more balanced and feel I radiate calmness. People have noticed these changes in my energy and vitality and I can take the compliments.
I’ve joined a book club, gone back dancing, started Pilates, journalling, affirmations and regular swimming and walking. It sounds exhausting but its fun and enjoyable.
I have started decluttering the bedroom as discussed; I’ve made a plan and its all happening.
I am less critical and no longer feel the need to be perfect but I still enjoy effort. I am able to congratulate myself and accept where I am at now.
I think my old private vulnerable self is totally aligned with the public image I portrayed of confidence and capability and I haven’t lost my kindness or empathy. I hope this makes sense. I am so active daily but I still schedule all my self care time each week with no guilt .
I am starting to go out socially with my husband and I have brought along another couple to share the night with. We have been to a play, the cinema and a drink afterwards.
Going forward I will continue as above and I am so proud of how far I have come”

Gerardine, Co Kerry, Ireland


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