Our 6th Behavioral Code® – Evolution, Growth, Progression.

The 6th code® of 7 that can govern all our behavior and what drives it. In full Health we can make conscious choices that enhance our existing feelings of Love, Safety, Creativity, self-worth & Authenticity. Out of balance we will be driven by a need to fulfill these lacks & therefore we will be in the energy of Fear. When we are able to fulfill these codes on an ongling basis by choosing behaviours that support us in each area, we are in a Higher energy state, there’s a sense of ease & flow. There are few of us these days who manage this totally, but with practice & a willingness to evolve & grow we can get pretty close! To start at the beginning of my Blog series click here.

The 6th code® is all about our need to stretch, to learn new ideas, experience exciting new things, to embrace ourselves & the world around us at a deeper & deeper level. To be excited about the possibilities available to us, to be curious & open to everything. To feel Joy, vitality and a sense of purpose about our lives – what’s next??

Without this code being fulfilled we can feel stagnant, stuck, not going anywhere, bored & unfulfilled. If this energy center is blocked or deficient it may be because you felt that sometime in the past you tried to step out & failed? Perhaps you felt ashamed about that ‘failure’ or something happened to make you associate feeling unsafe with embracing Life? This code is closely aligned with our second code of creativity & diversity, risk taking. It’s also very influenced by our first code of feeling safe & secure. I often come across people who secretly yearn to step out & expand themselves in some way & yet the prospect brings feelings of being unsafe. I worked with a Client only recently,who was bought up by an overly protective & anxious parent. A parent who discouraged any attempts my Client made to step out into the wider world & expand her experience, who told her repeatedly how dangerous the world was, who was only able to focus on all the things that could go wrong. This Client decided it wasn’t worth hurting or upsetting her parent, it was easier to take on the same way of looking at the world, so she stayed in a very small, safe world until that parent died. Then she remembered her childhood yearning for more & came to me to let go of all the fear she had around experimenting with new & bigger things. She is now learning how to expand at a rate that suits her & is experiencing more and more joy & wonder daily.

This same Client, like many Clients who are out of balance in this 6th code, experienced regular headaches & a sense of congestion or pressure in the head, which is where this energy center is focused. Even though part of her was kept small by this deep feeling of fear & a desire to remain safe, another part of her felt confined, hemmed in and very aware that she was keeping herself from experiencing her true potential.

When codes are out of alignment or out of balance there is often this sense of inner conflict, of a sense of dis-ease as both codes struggle to re-gain balance. We worked together on finding constructive ways for her to fulfill both codes and  ultimately the realisation that actually the desired goal was the same, meant that she was able to take the strengths of both & have them work together to achieve a feeling of harmony. She can now explore the world in a safe way that suits her, goes at her own pace & enables her to grow & expand over time in a way that feels comfortable & exciting. Oh and she doesn’t experience headaches any more either!

Click here to read about the 7th Code.

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