Menopause is one of the key times in our Lives when everything is invited to change, to re-adjust, re-balance, re-new & perhaps even re-create – we can feel lost, rudderless, in the dark! It’s not referred to as ‘The Change’ for nothing! It’s a massive internal transition from one stage in our lives to another. We […]
Posts Categorised: Homeopathy
My passion is to help Women recover themselves inside & out. Using a bespoke blend of Natural Health Tools I offer myself & my skills as a guide, a support, a faciitator & ‘Medicine Woman’ for you during your own personal Journey towards optimum physical, emotional & spiritual Health. Why do I believe this is […]
What is Homoeopathy? Homoeopathy is a safe, effective and incredibly gentle system of medicine that has been in practice in its current form since the 19th century, however the concept of Homeopathy was in use as far back as 2,500 years ago when it was described by Hippocrates. The word ‘Homeopathy’ comes from the Greek and […]
‘With Homeopathy you have to get worse before you get better’? A great deal of our lives are governed & driven by the Beliefs that we hold. Some of our beliefs we take on from others & some we form ourselves through our experiences and how those experiences have affected us. They are actually an […]
I’m sure that you are familiar with the expression ‘Mind over Matter’ – it’s often used when we are experiencing some resistance or discomfort around trying to achieve something or master something we find challenging? What do we mean when we say this? Are we saying that our Mind is more important or powerful than […]