Now more than ever we must remember how vital it is for us to focus on our intimate relationships. By intimate I mean soul nurturing, energising, uplifting, connected relationships – the ones that leave you re-vitalised, envigorated and able to be fully You. The ones that enable you to laugh, cry, rant, share weaknessess & […]
Posts Tagged: QTT
As a holistic health practitioner of many years I have been aware of & interested in the Chakra systems that many Health Modalities believe in & focus on. Simply put, these are the perceived energy centers that we all have that govern the different aspects of our health – physical, emotional & spiritual. They are […]
How many times have you found yourself agreeing to do something or turning something down, only to find yourself a short time later, saying to yourself ‘Why did I do that? That’s not what I want at all?’ It can feel like you responded in a kind of automatic, knee-jerk kind of a way, that […]
Recently I was given an extremely generous gift from someone very dear to me. The gift was totally unexpected, extremely generous & made me cry! The timing of it at a moment when it lifted me out of a dark hole meant that its worth was magnified beyond it’s ‘face value’ and to say that […]
We are now in February and many of us have already abandoned our ‘New Year Resolution/s’! Alternatively, if you’ve been following my road-map to creating your best year yet, you have a good template in place for creating positive, lasting changes! (If you would like access to this free video series just email me […]