Recently I was given an extremely generous gift from someone very dear to me. The gift was totally unexpected, extremely generous & made me cry! The timing of it at a moment when it lifted me out of a dark hole meant that its worth was magnified beyond it’s ‘face value’ and to say that […]
Posts Tagged: homeopathy
We are now in February and many of us have already abandoned our ‘New Year Resolution/s’! Alternatively, if you’ve been following my road-map to creating your best year yet, you have a good template in place for creating positive, lasting changes! (If you would like access to this free video series just email me […]
As I’ve said before, the majority of our behaviors are driven by our sub-conscious mind and the beliefs we’ve chosen over the years. The overriding intention of any behaviors stemming from our beliefs, is to protect us in what ever way it can, given the circumstances. This can be very hard for us to understand […]
I confess……..I used to be a control freak!! – I felt that I did everything really well and efficiently and that everything needed to be organised & controlled & in order at all times. I also believed that no one else could do it as well as I could, so rather than delegate I found it […]
I have been asked by several parents recently for help with clearing and preventing vermin infestations, in particular Head Lice. It seems to be a problem that some children are prone to and many associate it with going back to school. Since kids are in close contact with other kids – it can spread like […]