I confess……..I used to be a control freak!! – I felt that I did everything really well and efficiently and that everything needed to be organised & controlled & in order at all times. I also believed that no one else could do it as well as I could, so rather than delegate I found it […]
Posts Tagged: emotional health
I spent a long time trying to get other people to change or waiting for my perceived ‘Ideal living or work circumstances’ so that everything would be ‘perfect’ and I would be happy and content. All it bought me was a constant state of discontent and fruitless searching for the thing or person or situation […]
I have been asked by several parents recently for help with clearing and preventing vermin infestations, in particular Head Lice. It seems to be a problem that some children are prone to and many associate it with going back to school. Since kids are in close contact with other kids – it can spread like […]
Being a teenager has never been easy, and these days our teens are presented with more challenges than ever before. Most of these challenges are relevant to both girls and boys but both sexes have their own set of gender specific issues as well. It is a time of huge internal and external change and […]
Some time ago I attended a fascinating online seminar about the ancient art of Face reading – ‘Al Ferasa’. This amazing ancient skill originated in the Middle East with The Bedouin people as a vital part of their ability to identify whether the many different tribes they came across, as they travelled across a huge […]