Dairy of a Staphylococcus infection – what worked for me.

I have just emerged from an enforced week off work – and pretty much everything else – after my body decided to do all the classic symptoms of a severe Staphylococcus infection. It started in my nose which is pretty common for Staph infections & at an alarmingly rapid rate spread across first the right side of my face then over to the left. I was really swollen, red & very sore, which I could have withstood for longer, but I was also initially doing a fever – (pleased with that) – & felt flu- type symptoms – joint pains, temperature fluctuations, absolute exhaustion – couldn’t keep my eyes open & general weakness. After 2 days I decided to consult the GP since the rapid spread of swelling was getting worse & I know that can affect the eyes & possibly even the brain…. BUT this is not all I did! I gathered lots of my learnt, tried & tested Health tools and devoted myself to them. I thought sharing what happened & how I moved through this experience may be of use to you? It taught me a lot and I will outline some of that learning below. First though here’s a summary of what happened & my response AND how effective each choice was for me:-

Day 1 – I felt unusually tired after a long walk & took an afternoon nap & when I woke the side of my nose felt sore & looked a little swollen. Couldn’t find a bite or sting or a spot…..

Day 2 – Woke with the nose distinctly swollen, red & painful, started the Narayani combo remedy ‘War’ which includes homeopathic dilutions of remedies like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Belladonna, Penicillin & others – & has worked brilliantly for similar infections in the past for me & Clients. Remedy induced a fever – for me typically, feeling very cold & intermittently hot, lots of sweating & exhaustion. A fever is a productive response, my system is doing what it needs to do. I felt that the individual remedies Hepar-sulph 6 and Merc-viv 30 were also indicated – Hepar because the nose was intensely painful even to the slightest touch, there was yellow matter in the nostril & I was very cold. Merc-viv as I was sweating & producing saliva but neither were changing anything & my temperature was fluctuating – both remedies have an affinity with Sepsis. I also started taking Echinacea tincture to support & enhance the cleansing action of the blood to combat the sepsis. Slept a lot of the day.

Day 3 – Woke to find swelling & redness had spread from my nose to the right side of my face – still feeling fluey & completely exhausted. Called the GP who eventually called me & based on photos I sent through to him – he prescribed heavy duty Anti-biotics, registered his concern that this was Cellulitis & told me in no uncertain terms that if it got worse within the next 24 hrs I would have to go to hospital for intravenous Anti-biotics – given the proximity to the brain! Slept most of the day – felt nauseous yet very hungry, extremely irritable, noticed I was clumsy – knocking things over easily & tripping over etc. Bowels also very sluggish – all these symptoms led me to the Homeopathic remedy Proteus – an almost exact similimum for common expressions of a Staph infection & part of a group of remedies known as the Bowel Nosodes – all taken from the Bacteria found in peoples stools when they were ill with specific symptoms. I stopped the previous remedies apart from War & took Proteus 200.Within a few doses I did feel a shift in the flu like symptoms, my mood & energy….

Day 4 – Woke to find, despite me feeling better, that the swelling had spread to my eyes & left side of face as well as more of my right side including my jaw. GP referred me straight to the hospital as a priority – I got there at 10.30am & finally left at 5.30pm. I know this is a challenging environment for me & probably all of us, so I used a QTT® technique called ‘The Authenticity Bubble’, to ensure that I was as fully connected to myself as possible & able to feel protected & strong while I navigated the various tests, questions, people, different values & beliefs and get the best results for me. I had blood, urine & Blood pressure tests, was asked the same questions by 5 different nurses & finally saw a doctor at 3pm. I was calm & peaceful throughout. By the time I saw the Dr, the swelling & pain had reduced. I was taking Homeopathic Belladonna, War & Proteus alternating every 10 mins & visualising myself going home rather than having to be admitted for Intravenous Anti-biotics….Eventually at 5ish I was told all my tests were negative for Cellulitis & that as I was improving, that the Anti-bioitics were clearly working now. I was discharged with the diagnosis of a severe Staphylococcal infection & told to come back if anything got worse. The original site in my nose now started to push out thick green, sticky matter & form yellow crusts. I was super pleased about this as it is always positive when shit starts coming out! I alternated applying Lugols Solution (Iodine) and Hydrogen Peroxide solution to support a clean exit route. Slept the rest of the evening & night.

Day 5 – Swelling not any worse but seemed to have collected in puffy, fluid like sacs below my eyes & in my jaw. Having updated my lovely Homeopath, because I am in the middle of a chronic prescription and because I don’t always think as clearly as I need to in acutes – she advised Homeopathic Apis. Within 2 doses one of the sacs had completely disappeared & the others reduced. (Apis can be a specific for cellulitis or any fluid retention with puffiness, redness, swelling & allergic type reactions….). My energy was much improved and I did a coffee enema & green juices to boost the liver, cleanse the bowels and ease a nagging headache. The Anti-biotics had made my bowels very sluggish & I knew this wasn’t the time to hang on to any excess ‘rubbish’!. My appetite reduced substantially & my taste seemed distorted with foods tasting ‘off’ or bitter….My assessment was that I was starting to experience the side effects of the Anti-biotics, so supporting my liver & keeping the bowels open & moving was essential to minimise this. I also started supplementing with pro-biotics in between doses of anti-biotics, drinking lots of clean, energised & mineralised water, (I do this with my Healy device). Spent much of the day lying outside, drifting in & out of being present with the birds, the wind in the trees, the sun and meditating on self-healing with the wonderful guided meditations of DavidJi on App Insight Timer. I also managed some gentle Qi-gong movements whilst standing barefoot on the earth as well as ‘Om’ chanting, which is fabulous for clearing sinuses, apart from anything else. Nose is still too tender to use a Neti pot or have anything inserted to help drainage. I also used the Healy programmes ‘Bacteria Harmony’ and ‘Head Harmony‘ which reduced the swelling, eased discomfort and supported elimination. I noticed that my previous wooliness started to lift & lots of much clearer thoughts & ideas started to come…..

Day 6 – Began the day with coffee enema & green juices. Apis still indicated so I continued that remedy along with ‘War’ 3x daily – the oozing of matter from my nose became constant but also changed to become less thick, less green & more fluid – as it did the swelling reduced further – all great signs of my body doing exactly what it was meant to do. Continued Healy Programmes & added another called ‘Coherence’ which really helped me to feel clearer, more focused & ‘together’. My emotional state is one of ‘Righteous Anger’ – a lot of unexpressed anger around my husbands situation with his family & the care of his elderly parents, world events & other daily niggles – I was able to express this anger productively, calmly, respectfully and appropriately & that felt very cathartic! Re-appraisal of some personal boundaries and some expressions of grief also came up & moved on through me….

Day 7 – Almost back to my full self, only better, clearer thinking, rested, and also face feeling bruised & tender where the swelling was – all much improved with some Arnica & Calendula to support granulation & cleansing of the original wound site. Nose feels dry, is peeling & is tickly & itchy – a bit like it’s been sunburnt. Arnica oil feels soothing. Beginning Healy programmes ‘Clean All’, ‘Bioenergetic Boost’ & ‘Renewal’. I will continue with these for a few days as I recover from the infection & the results of the anti-biotics.

My assessment of why this happened is that it was in response to the chronic Homeopathic remedies prescribed to me, that much of this inflammation & infection was in fact lurking for a while & needed to come out – I had experienced indications of this previously eg a swollen top lip, the brief eruption of blister type eruptions etc. I believe much of this was cleaning up post the lengthy dental procedures I had and all that went with that. Homeopathic remedies, Healy frequencies and QTT® methods will always invite us to resolve or process whatever is currently stuck & needs moving out & on. The exit strategy may not always be elegant or comfortable for us but if we support it rather than suppressing it again, there will be resolution, energy will be released, made available for more productive things & our vitality improves. I’m grateful for an emotional clear out as well as physically! I am also committing to continuing with my self-care practices including topping up my gut flora, supporting the liver & being as light & clean with my diet as possible.

A week out of action doesn’t seem like long to receive such an energetic upgrade! That’s my opinion but what do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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