Tips for a January Reflection & Cleanse.

Go at your own Pace – January can bring unnecessary pressure to take action, make resolutions & get back into the saddle as soon as Jan 1st comes along & if we don’t have something new to offer, abstain from or a Plan to commence then we can feel lacking in some way. I would like to remind my readers that a huge part of feeling Healthy is about going at a pace that is natural to us & that is often a reflection of what the Natural World around us is doing.

Reflect the Natural World – The Celtic Wheel tells us that we are still in ‘Yule’ until February 1st when ‘Imbolc’ begins & even then this is just the beginning of the end of Winter…….January is still a time of darkness, coldness & in ancient times a time when food was scarce, sacrifices had to be made, most focus was on keeping warm & staying alive. In the Natural World (Northern Hemisphere), the plants, Trees & animals are still slumbering, conserving energy to keep internal energy going until the warmer weather & increase in light signals a safe time to burst forth again. Here in Ireland we have had a lot of rain & wind but no real cold yet & historically the real cold is only starting during January, so we can continue our efforts to conserve energy & focus on what is productive & nourishing for us.

Avoid being driven by Fear – When we insist on picking up the pace & extending ourselves before we are ready, it can mean we are using precious energy that is diverted from essential maintenance & is seldom sustainable – we can peak early & have nothing left for the real Spring, particularly when we are already (literally & figuratively) digesting all the excesses of ‘feasting’ during the Christmas period. Attempting to be active when we are toxic uses a lot of energy. That & operating from fear is is what creates Stress & Burn out and can trigger unwelcome feelings of insignificance, guilt, FOMO etc. The Fear of not doing something at a certain time is seldom a helpful or sustainable solo driver for positive changes. It means not only are we going at an often unnatural pace, but we are acting from a state of fear rather than moving towards more positive feelings. When we are in a state of fear, however low level, we never make the best long term decisions and once we no longer feel that fear, the driver for change is lost & there’s a kind of ‘treading water’ without any meaningful action being taken. So any actions become unsustainable & momentum peters out – this is what often happens with so called New Years Resolutions. We often choose the wrong things to focus on too until we feel Cleaner, Healthier & more energised.

Minimise the effects of Toxicity – As ever what we choose to do or not to do during January will be highly individual & should not be rushed into just because society tells us we ‘should’. It is much more useful, I believe, to conserve energy during January, to clean up our acts & support vital organs so they can work as effectively as possible. The Liver is often groaning post the ‘Feasting’ season & needs some extra help & to be put on ‘Light duties’ only!! Choosing to de-tox is helpful as long as it’s not short lived or too intense – limiting intake of toxins is always helpful & we need to encourage any build up of rubbish to come out rather than stay in the system & take up precious energy. (For more on this & our natural routes of elimination read this Blog.)

Homeopathic remedies can really enhance both the feeding/support of organs like the Liver, as well as encouraging a general clean up & elimination programme. As ever this is best done on a bespoke basis, & many of my Clients choose to consult me at this time for a ‘ Start the Year’ Clean up. But using basic remedies like Nux-vom & Sulphur in low daily, doses can give results as both support liver & gut function – a dose of Sulphur in the morning & Nux in the evening is often all that’s needed to instigate a ‘clear out’. Be aware that the need to clean up your system may need to be more hormonally targeted, specific to medications or drugs, allergens or emotions….? That’s the beauty of collaborating with a Practitioner with a variety of tools at her disposal – there’s always something that is just right for you!

Maximise the flow of energy between your cells, your organs & body systems – dis-ease comes when communication is broken or compromised which inhibits energetic frequency or electrical charges. The facilitator of this flow of information is Water – it’s why we are 85+% water & why the amount & quality of water is a vital part of our ability to function at Healthy level. Drink more water, more frequently.

These days I would definitely be using my Healy Frequency device to support Cleansing & support, and to help identify which areas I may need to focus on, it’s not always as obvious as we think…… There are so many available frequency programmes and even using just the foundational ‘Gold Programme’ group is incredibly helpful when looking to harmonise & optimise our ability to achieve & maintain as ‘Clean’ a system as possible. Here’s a brief description of this set of programmes:-

Pure‘: The Pure program is the ideal starting point for anyone using the Healy App frequency programs for the first time. It is designed to help your body‘s energy field to recover from the bioenergetic effects of environmental factors. It starts by
supporting the filtering organs and prepares and then acclimates the body to microcurrent frequencies. Before starting any wellness protocol, it is always best to do a cleanse. Detox so that you have a clean palate from which to start.
Care‘: A weakened bioenergetic field is frequently associated with poor health. Care sets the stage to support the immune system. By gently offering frequencies that enhance and assist the bioenergetic field care strengthens and supports immune
process. Care frequencies nurture the energy of immune cells and organs. When the bioenergetic field is weak or damaged this can cause a run on effect that can predispose the body to serious imbalances. If these imbalances persist, we are at risk
this can manifest in physical form. Care distributes “caring” energies and frequencies in and around the body. The supportive signals strengthen cellular communication to help the body balance its own immune pathways for optimal energy.
Balance’: The fine balance of the various bodily systems is very important for our wellbeing and health. The Balance program refers to bioenergetic harmony & balance of the kidneys, circulatory system, lymphatic system and hormones. It is an ideal
program for a deep bioenergetic harmonization of the body‘s overall energy field. Running balance is a great way to help balance the immune system. With all the challenges of today’s world, balance is great BALANCE on multiple levels. It is also
good for the signaling pathways that help support emotional and mental balance. What we think and focus upon, we can create. Beautiful balance can help the body align the immune system and the body/mind bioenergetic connection. ‘Being‘: What the program Balance is for the body, Being is for our soul. It’s designed to help you remain centered during life‘s turmoil. The Being program is seen as a supportive set of frequencies to help balance the mind and mental wellbeing.
Creating sound & supportive structure for higher states of mental processing. It could also be thought of as the immune system of the mind. Where it supplies us with supportive and nurturing frequencies that align our soul to the higher vibratory
fields of energy. This can help to create a more supportive mental and emotional experience in the physical body. Stress can cause huge issues in all body processes. The bioenergetic support of being can be thought of as a sort of energetic epigenetic
process wherein it soothes and calms with supportive frequencies. ‘Energy:‘ Performance needs support. Whether you are a well-trained competitive athlete, a stressed-out manager or a busy mother, Energy increases your ability respond to life‘s demands.
Relax’: Relax stands for harmonizing your stress response. Stress can be both the result & the cause of imbalances in the mind and body that can undermine your health & wellbeing. Relax works to create an anti-stress effect. Stress is often the
cause of hyperacidity & imbalances in the body. Relax is also about surrendering & letting go of the energies that keep us in a cycle of chronic stress & stress responses. long terms stress can have a damaging effect on the body. Modern life keeps many of us from letting go of our daily worries. These negative patterns can anchor into our bioenergetic field & send signals which most are unaware. Relax supports this process in a powerful yet gentle way. This is vital for achieving recovery. Think of
this energy as a cooling energy to help soothe & calm.
Release‘: There are many different causes of discomfort. In this program you work systemically to address the energetic source of the discomfort/pain in the bioenergetic field. Used as an alternative or in addition to the classic pain applications Release is designed to support the bioenergetic processes to release pain at its core. No matter where the pain is located in the body it is thought to originate from some energetic location that manifests from areas of the bioenergetic field downward into the physical form. This program seeks to locate the pain or imbalance at its original source so that it can be fully remove from a higher level of being. This is seen as going into the causal energy body & targeting the pain at its root cause. (Thanks to ‘Frequency Mama’s Community for the above descriptions).

For more information on The Healy device & how to invest in your own, contact me by email – or book a free ‘Clarity Call’ using the bookings page on this site.

Ask yourself good questions (and answer them honestly!) – January is also a time to look at our emotional & spiritual Health & reflect on what has come before – what’s working & what’s not working, what is worth keeping or sustaining and what needs changing or transforming to make space for better or more positive feelings/activities or experiences. We can be in such a hurry to rush into the next stage of Life that we aren’t noticing how far we’ve come or what has changed in our lives……Without this reflection we often simply repeat what we did last January & will simply repeat the process again the following January, resulting in nothing much or meaningful changing…..

When we reflect well & deeply we need time & space to do that, to let stuff really land & to ‘feel’ any results, as well as ‘know’ – what may ‘on paper’ look or sound sensible, may in fact feel disconnected or unsatisfying or just too much like hard work for us….Below are a few questions to ask yourself & Journal on, that will facilitate effective exploration of where you are now & what you may or may not choose going forward.

  1. When I look back at the previous year, what did I do or experience or feel that gave me Joy, Love, Satisfaction or a sense of Well-being?
  2. What other actions or behaviours can I think of that may also give me similar or greater feelings of Joy, Satisfaction, Love or Well-being?
  3. How can I do more of these as regularly as possible?
  4. When I look back at my year to date, what obstacles did I overcome & how did/does that make me feel?
  5. How did I stretch myself or expand my experience or my perspective or my thinking?
  6. What were my greatest ‘mistakes’ and what did I learn from them?
  7. How do I want to feel as much as possible during my next year?
  8. What will feel different once I feel the above?
  9. What can i stop doing or feeling attached to or invested in that no longer supports me to feel whatever I have identified I want to feel?
  10. What resources – internal or external – can I identify & access to support me in creating my best & most Healthy year yet?

To summarise, I’m encouraging a process of cleaning House in order to create as Healthy a state as possible physically & emotionally and then we are in a much better state to identify the most Effective, Holistic & Personal course of action for us for the next year. Sometimes we can do this ourselves & sometimes we will get more from collaborating with a Practitioner or a group or a course – there’s no one recipe, do what brings you the most benefit. There’s no hurry, take your time & when Spring comes for you, you will feel fully able & ready to blossom, to show the world your glorious colours.


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