5 reasons to have your own remedy kit.

I was recently asked to give a talk to a group of Female Business Owners to help them look after their health and the health of their family’s. I chose to focus on the importance of regular health maintenance or investment in selfcare – prevention always being cheaper and easier than cure! Most of the women in the audience told me that despite the fact that they were running businesses, they were still the principle carers whenever their kids were ill and those with very young kids were constantly taking time off to manage minor illnesses.  I told them about  the excellent Homeopathic remedy kits produced by the Homeopathic Pharmacies, and the use of it for acute illnesses – coughs, colds, headaches, stomach upsets, fever management, toothaches etc. Not only are these remedies very effective, but it’s a brilliant way to learn about Homeopathy and about what works for you and your family. I was very surprised to learn that many of them had not heard of these remedy kits and didn’t know that they could self-prescribe. These were mostly people who had consulted a Homeopath in the past and had success with Homeopathy, but not thought of using it themselves.  They were under the impression that you could only take Homeopathic remedies if prescribed by a Practitioner! This couldn’t be further from the truth, in fact using one of these kits for myself and my children and witnessing how effective they are is how I became interested in training as a Practitioner in the first place!

I have always encouraged my Clients to widen their knowledge regarding their health and if they are committed to Homeopathy in any way I find both our lives are alot easier and more practical if they own a remedy kit. Much can be learnt just through the little handbooks that come with the kits and I welcome a quick call or text if Clients can’t decide between remedies or aren’t sure about doseage. Its much easier to manage when someone has remedies to hand rather than having to wait for the post or go out to buy over the counter. I’m also very committed and passionate about empowering parents to be able to not only relieve and manage their childrens minor illnesses but to become less and less reliant on outside ‘Experts’ for what are common, easy to manage issues. I do not believe it’s helpful to parents to just tell you what you ccan’t do – you need to know what the alternatives are in order to make real and lasting changes!

So if you want to feel more in control of your family’s health, to know that you can treat a wide variety of minor illnesses safely and effectively and by doing so are actually lessening the chances of them happening again, then I offer you 5 reasons to invest in a remedy kit:-

  1. Convenient and ready access. As all parents know, children are rarely ill at ‘convenient times’, so access to health advice and treatment is often needed outside of regular working hours. Wouldn’t it be easier to have this ‘expertise’ yourselves and know how to address common minor illnesses? No more late night dashes to the pharmacy or GP or A&E!
  2. Safe and effective . One of the fantastic things about Homeopathy is it’s unblemished safety record and it’s use of remedies that are so dilute that they cannot cause harm. Broadly speaking when used for minor illness, accidents etc the remedies will either work or not work depending on how well they have been selected. They will not make anything worse, or create anything that isn’t already there.
  3. Cost effective.The kits cost approximately €60, (depending on your currency), and contain a selection of 36 commonly used remedies in 2gram bottles. These can be replaced individually for a few euro each and do not go out of date, and each remedy has multiple applications so pretty much every common minor illness can be treated by this one kit. My Clients who use these kits at home and discover how effective they are with teething pain, colic, headaches, menstrual pain, earaches, coughs and colds, minor burns, allergies, injuries etc etc, have also been able to reduce dependence and spending on pharmaceuticals/GP’s etc and all the possible side effects.The initial investment in a kit is approximately the same as the cost of one visit to your GP, (in Ireland), and will last a lot longer! There are also tailor made kits for travel and childbirth as well.  With a little bit of an investment in your time and minimal cost you too can start re-gaining better control and management of the health of yourself and your family. It made a massive difference to my life both as a parent and in terms of looking after my own health.
  4. Increased knowledge and confidence.  Parents, in particular, feel empowered and less fearful of everyday complaints and if unsure can always telephone me for guidence.  I charge only a nominal amount for a 10 minute telephone call and as confidence grows these calls become less and less necessary. As an extra bonus for all people completing my Home Prescribing Courses, I offer membership to a closed (private) Facebook group where you can ask questions and share information in a safe community of like-minded people.
  5. Free support and advice. I run first aid prescribing courses based on these kits – ‘in person’ if you live locally and online if you don’t –  either of these options are a great way to get started, as well as build a relationship with me, so you can feel comfortable calling or asking questions if you get stuck. You also have the support of other like minded parents and users of Homeopathy to call upon, within the safety of the closed online group.If you are interested in attending one of my locally held ‘Homeopathy in Your Hands’ – Home Prescribing courses, just enter your contact details in the sign up forms on my website  to receive your free newsletter, notification of the next course and my Free taster video series. If you are more interested in learning at your own pace with my online series of videos just click here for more details.If you want to buy a kit you can do so from the shop on my website or by contacting me by email rebecca@homeopathygiveswings.com.

So there you have it, I could give you more reasons but 5 is probably enough!

I should stress that this type of prescribing is not a substitute for ongoing treatment for long term or chronic issues. However if my clients are using remedies acutely, instead of potentially toxic pharmaceuticals then I am more than happy and more importantly so are they! Apart from anything else it frees up valuable healing energy so that it can be focused on the more difficult long term issues. Much of the chronic or long term health issues often have their roots in acute or minor illnesses that have been inappropriately or inadequately treated eg. eczema suppressed with steroids will often display later as Asthma.

There is no time like the present to start making important positive changes to your life, and there is nothing more precious than our health.


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