‘Eoin’s’ Story – A Testimonial

I have just recieved the following testimonial from the mother of one of the children I have been treating. I want to share it,  but more importantly, this Mother wants to share her son’s experience with Homeopathy with as many people as possible. Due to it’s length I am posting it, in its entirety, as my next blog. I hope you find it interesting and will share with anyone who may find it useful.

January 2017 – Eoin’s* Story, by his Mother.

I wanted to write Eoins story because I felt it was very important to tell other parents that Homeopathy has helped us so much and maybe that it could be a successful treatment for their children.

It all started, in my opinion, after Eoin’s 12 month vaccination. I saw a gaze in his eyes that wasn’t there before and I felt that he was different. His interaction wasn’t as good as it used to be. I said it to my GP at the 13 month vaccination and she gave him the vaccination in 2 stages, a week apart.

As time went by I was getting worried about Eoin as he wasn’t progressing as much as his twin. He didn’t answer to his name anymore. He had done so previously and from 5 months old, what had gone wrong? We later took him for a hearing test thinking that he may be deaf but this was not the case.

Eoin also had some sensory issues eg opening and closing doors repeatedly, flapping and shouting. He stopped wanting to sit on our laps like he had done when younger. He didn’t look at anything around him anymore, and he didn’t speak any words.

At 22 months I looked on the internet to see if I could find any information on arm flapping. When I read about Autism I got a shock to say the least! That’s when we went to the GP and she sent us to the Public Health nurse for his 2 year check up. She then referred us to Speech & Language Therapy for which we had to wait 3 months.

This was all moving too slowly for us and we asked advice at our Health Food Shop regarding his diet and nutrition. They then suggested we consult Rebecca for Homeopathic help.

Rebecca gave us an appointment within the week. By this stage, as you can imagine we had had many sleepless nights worrying about Eoin.

The first time we went to see Rebecca, we were very pleased with the fact that she listened to us and gave us time to tell our story. She asked us many questions and we found her very thorough.

Rebecca gave us some remedies to give Eoin and within 2 weeks we noticed an improvement. He was becoming more aware of what was happening around him and his eye contact was better.

On the second or third visit to Rebecca, She started him on a de-tox programme, to address the toxicity in his system. We began with a very mild strength of a Homeopathic version of the PCV vaccine and he stayed on that until he had no more reactions. Eoin’s main reaction was his sinuses which caused problems for at least another 3 months. He continued through to the higher strengths until he stopped having reactions. He had a break then continued on to the Homeopathic MMR remedy and we did the same with that.

Eoin is now 3 years and 3 months old. He is doing everything his twin brother is able to do. He was potty trained after his 3rd birthday and was very easy to train, He is putting sentences together now. He is still behind with his speech but he had 11 months taken out of his development because of the vaccines!

He can count to 10 and count backwards! He can also do 24 piece jigsaws which are suitable for 4 years +. He loves cuddles and loves interacting with us again. He has just started playschool.

I believe that Rebecca, the Homeopathy and (HDT) Therapy has played a major part in his improvement.

This experience has been great for Eoin and great for us and it is very safe which is important to us.

I hope that by telling our story will give other parents hope. We wish you as much success with Homeopathy as we have had.

* Although “Eoin’s”, (not his real name), parents wish to remain anonymous they have given me permission to pass their contact details on to anyparents who may wish to speak to them first hand about their experience.


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